Focus on what you want


Very simple Philosophy.

Rings true and yet we keep straying from the concept.

You are what you think you are…

In in theory I believe we pretty much are what you think we are and the results are evident in our lifes and the results of what we see as successful, how you live , what you and who attract and so on. Now I can really only say that on my part I have made so many mistakes, In fact I cant remember how many and yet im told that it is often the ones that make it to the top who made the most mistakes so lets just go with that and take a sigh of relief with it ;).

Im one of these late bloomers and there are many like me who are only just feeling like they are getting to a point where they are starting to acheive what they want.

Then there are many others who have done so much they are wondering whats next and what will simply make them happy.

What we aspire to and what we dream of often if achieved then seems as if – well whats next.

So lets now look at focusing and getting clear on what we want for ourselves and if you like you can use me as your test bunny if you dont feel like sharing the journey.

Love to get your feed back and your thoughts along the way.

First person who can guess what i was focusing on here gets a free advertisment on my new blog.


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